Pediatric Milestones/Normal Aging Back to contents
Below are listed time frames for predicted developmental stages. Variance within a few months is usually considered normal. Failure to meet development milestones or delay in meeting them by several months may indicate the presence of an under-lying clinical pathology.

One month
-Can turn head to side, lift head in prone, track black and white objects
Two months
-Can sit with full support, turn onto back from side, hold object placed in hand, diminished primitive flexor tone, purposeful head movements
Three months
-Can bring head to midline in supine, brings hands to body, initiates prone prop, beginning midline orientation
Four months
-Beginning of hands to mouth, holds head erect, uses ulnar grasp, brings hands to midline, pivot prone position, rolls supine to side-lying, initiates prone with extended arms
Five months
-Rolls supine to prone and vice versa with control, palmar grasp, prone on extended arms, reaches with arm in prone, beginning of active dissociated movement of legs, can hold bottle, prone is functional position, head and eye movements independent of each other
Six months
-Reaches for objects with one hand close to or far from body, sits unsupported, can pull to sit with help, protective extension reaction developing, can stand up with hands or trunk support, prone equilibrium reactions, can pivot and perform push-ups in prone, may assume quadriped position
Seven months
-Sits unsupported, rocks in quadriped, lifts head in supine, can reach in prone on arms extended, assumes quadriped, may creep, push up from quadriped, crawl, attempt to stand from furniture or people, attempt to take steps in supported standing, highly involved in play and overall increased mobility
Eight months
-Pulls to standing, can cruise, may crawl, moves from sit to quadriped transitioning between positions, trunk rotation and lateral weight-shifting emerging, picks up small objects with scissor grasp
Nine months
-Crawling established (able to change directions), can hold object while changing positions, prefers W-sitting, long-sitting, and side sitting for play; gross and fine motor movements used in combination, kneeling starting
Ten months
-Cruises, sit to stand with more control in legs, uses pincer grasp, can point to objects, can hold toys in both hands while crawling
Eleven months
-Stands without support, squats, mimicks others
Twelve months
-Rises to stand without support, walks unsteadily and slowly, crawls when speed is necessary
Fifteen months
-Walks with wide base of support
Eighteen months
-Ambulates with more control and speed, can walk sideways and backwards, initiates climbing up and down low stairs
Two years
-Smaller base of support, begins running and jumping on both feet, independent on stairs, reciprocal gait with arms at side, initiates dressing
Three years
-Stands on one foot and hops a few times, able to walk in tandem (heel to toe), can walk on balance beam, can throw ball short distances
Four years
-Can run, jump, skip on one foot, go up and down stairs alternating feet
Five years
-Can jump up 12 inches, balance on one foot, catch ball, jump and land on both feet

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